Dear Supporters:
The Criminal Justice System across the nation has looked vastly different since the COVID-19 shutdown in March 2020. Despite the challenges presented during this pandemic, our office has remained open, diligently working to keep this community safe. Our responsibility as Prosecutors is to seek the truth in every case we charge. This requires us to meet with law enforcement and witnesses on a daily basis.
Since the shutdown began, we have charged over 5,000 felonies, which are crimes that potentially carry a sentence of more than a year. This influx of new cases, in conjuction with the cancellation of jury trials, increased the backlog tremendously in an already overloaded court system.
In August 2020, a plan was implemented to resume jury trials and reduce the backlog of cases. Jury summons were mailed to Mobile County citizens and our office and the Mobile County Court Administration worked together to devise a plan that would ensure the safety of all participating parties during jury trials. It was our goal to keep cases moving and to avoid further delays in the justice process
Courtrooms were configured so that jurors would be six feet apart during trials and deliberations. Plexiglass barriers and temperature check stations were installed. Safeguards such as social distancing measures, mask requirements, and sanitation procedures were implemented in all common areas of the courthouse.
The biggest change was the utilization of technology to ensure the safety of participating parties. Trials are now streamed into a separate courtroom so family members and the public can still view the justice process.
Since September 14th, the court system has successfully tried four cases. Of those four cases, three have resulted in guilty verdicts.The grand jury continues to meet on a regular basis.
Over 5,000 jurors have been summoned since September and only 1,036 have answered the call for jury duty. If you receive a summons, we are asking you to please respond. Your role as a juror is vital to the criminal justice system. Without your participation in this process, it is impossible for cases to move forward. For more information regarding jury duty, please visit the Mobile County Court Administration's website at
Like many of you, we have certainly faced our challenges in 2020. We look forward to our system of justice returning to some semblance of normal. I remain honored to serve as your District Attorney and I assure you that this office will continue to vigorously prosecute crime, deliver justice for all victims, support law enforcement in seeking the truth, and aggressively work to prevent crime.
With Highest Regard,

Ashley Rich
District Attorney